
Thursday, 29 September, 2022

Rati Bregadze Delivers a Speech at the Ministerial Meeting of the Member States of the Council of Europe

First Deputy Minister of Justice, Tamar Tkeshelashvili and Deputy Minister, Beka Dzamashvili also participate in the conference.

Within the framework of the Dublin conference, a declaration on the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence in the family will be adopted. The declaration calls on states to strengthen national mechanisms for tackling domestic violence, violence against women; Focus on the rehabilitation of perpetrators and correction of violent behavior, and urge states to ratify the Istanbul Convention.


A ministerial meeting of the member states of the Council of Europe is being held in Dublin, which deals with issues of prevention of domestic and gender-based violence. The heads of the ministries of justice of European countries are attending the conference. The Georgian delegation is headed by Rati Bregadze.

The Minister of Justice of Georgia delivered a speech today at the event and talked about the institutional and legal reforms that have been implemented in the country to tackle violence against women and the family.

The Minister noted that the fight against gender-based violence is one of the priorities of the Georgian government.

"Gender equality, elimination and prevention of violence against women and domestic violence remains one of the priorities on the Georgian government's agenda. The legal and institutional reforms carried out over the past years are the best illustration of our approach to gender. Our policy is based on 4 principles: prevention of violence, protection of victims, effective investigation and interagency cooperation. All these directions are fully reflected in the legal and institutional mechanisms, including in the second national strategy and thematic action plans for the protection of human rights in Georgia for 2022-2030", - noted the Minister of Justice.

First Deputy Minister of Justice, Tamar Tkeshelashvili and Deputy Minister, Beka Dzamashvili also participate in the conference.

Within the framework of the Dublin conference, a declaration on the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence in the family will be adopted. The declaration calls on states to strengthen national mechanisms for tackling domestic violence, violence against women; Focus on the rehabilitation of perpetrators and correction of violent behavior, and urge states to ratify the Istanbul Convention.


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