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thuesday, 05 September , 2023

First Deputy Minister of Justice Informs Public Defender About the Ongoing Reforms in the Agency

First Deputy Minister of Justice, Tamar Tkeshelashvili held a working meeting today with Public Defender of Georgia, Levan Ioseliani. The First Deputy Minister spoke about the importance of the right to property and in this context emphasised the role of the Ministry of Justice and the Public Registry in the process of realising fundamental human rights.

Chairman of the National Public Registry Agency, Davit Devidze presented an intermediate presentation to Levan Ioseliani about the results of the reforms aimed at systematic land registration, re-registration of business entities and address registration in Georgia.

Institutional capacities of the National Public Registry Agency in terms of gender balance and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities were also discussed at the meeting.

The conversation touched on the labor rights of the employees of the Ministry of Justice. It was noted that the Ministry is an agency focused on the interests of the employees and constantly takes care of improving their conditions.

The Ministry of Justice will continue its close cooperation with the Public Defender's Office in the future.

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