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"Comprehensive Approach for Crime Prevention" - Tbilisi Hosts an International Conference

An international conference on Crime Prevention, Non-custodial Sentences, and Probation was inaugurated in Tbilisi on July 25, coinciding with the Day of Crime Prevention. The conference aims to enhance inter-agency cooperation in crime prevention and probation, promote the professional development of specialists in the field, and facilitate the exchange of information about existing services and resources.

An international conference on Crime Prevention, Non-custodial Sentences, and Probation was inaugurated in Tbilisi on July 25, coinciding with the Day of Crime Prevention. The conference aims to enhance inter-agency cooperation in crime prevention and probation, promote the professional development of specialists in the field, and facilitate the exchange of information about existing services and resources.

Minister of Justice, Rati Bregadze, opened the conference, followed by a welcome speech from Lado Kheladze, Head of the Agency for Crime Prevention, Non-custodial Sentences Enforcement, and Probation. Other notable speakers included Deputy Ministers from various sectors, such as labor, health, social protection of IDPs from the occupied territories of Georgia, internal affairs, education, science, and youth. Additionally, the Advisor to the Prime Minister on Human Rights Protection and the Chairperson of the Human Rights Protection and Civil Integration Committee of the Parliament of Georgia addressed the attendees.

A representative from the European Confederation presented a research report on Georgia's probation system, highlighting that "the probation system and its activities in Georgia are strongly developed, with significant acceleration in recent years."

Over the two-day conference, professionals in the field will exchange experiences related to crime prevention. Discussions will cover topics such as the development of probation systems in European countries, the involvement of state institutions, society, NGOs, and the private sector in crime prevention, and the possibilities for rehabilitation and re-socialization.

Participants include heads of the Ministry of Justice and Probation Services from Romania, the Czech Republic, Croatia, the Netherlands, and Azerbaijan.

The conference will conclude with the adoption of the Tbilisi Declaration.

Interagency Task Force for Free and Fair Elections (IATF) for Parliamentary Elections Holds its First Session

The Interagency Task Force for Free and Fair Elections (IATF) was established in accordance with the Election Code. Its primary aim is to prevent violations of election legislation by public servants and respond to any infractions. The commission is chaired by Minister of Justice, Rati Bregadze.

During its first session, the commission reviewed a report from the State Services Development Agency concerning the completion of the election lists. Additionally, the commission members discussed various organizational issues.

In its efforts to monitor the election environment, the IATF will examine information disseminated by the media, as well as data provided by political unions and monitoring organizations. The IATF will formulate recommendations to address identified incidents, thereby promoting a free and fair election environment.

Citizens can report issues within the IATF's jurisdiction via email at or through the hotline: (+995) 599 85 0011.

The session was chaired by Minister of Justice Rati Bregadze, with participation from IATF members including Deputy Ministers of Justice, Internal Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Defense, Regional Development and Infrastructure, Education, Science and Youth, IDPs from Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Protection, as well as heads of the General Prosecutor's Office, the Special Investigation Service, the State Security Service, the City Hall of Tbilisi Municipality, the State Audit Service, and the Central Election Commission.

The IATF will operate until the Central Election Commission officially publishes the final election results.

Publication of the "New Penal Law Manual" Under the Ministry of Justice Grant Program

A new manual on penal law has been developed and published as part of a winning project within the Ministry of Justice's grant program. The manual was crafted by Moris Shalikashvili, Givi Mikanadze, Zoya Khasia, and Nunu Maglagelidze.

The manual dedicates significant attention to analyzing the norms of the Penal Code, the Constitutional Court's practices in penal enforcement, and the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.

Designed for field specialists, law students, penitentiary service employees, and interested readers, the manual aims to provide comprehensive insights into penitentiary law.

Minister of Justice Rati Bregadze, along with deputy ministers, the manual's authors, and representatives of the academic community, summarized the grant project's results.

The Minister emphasized the importance of training the next generation of system employees and lawyers in penitentiary law, focusing on the rights of the accused/convicted and penitentiary service employees.

"The manual thoroughly discusses the rights of prisoners and penitentiary institution employees, essential for the proper and effective functioning of these institutions. It also includes analyses of foreign literature, international norms, reports from the Public Defender of Georgia, and decisions from the Constitutional Court of Georgia and the European Court of Human Rights. This will help form a comprehensive view of the field for interested individuals," stated Rati Bregadze.

Meeting participants highlighted the relevance of the new penal law manual and the importance of raising awareness in the field of penal law.

The Ministry of Justice announces this grant competition annually, aiming to introduce innovative services, strengthen human rights protection, and enhance legal security. This year, the Ministry finances 17 winning projects through the grant competition, promoting civil society participation in the Ministry's activities and supporting civil initiatives.


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