
Friday, 17 June, 2022

Ministry of Justice and the Georgian National University Conclude Memorandum of Understanding

The Ministry of Justice of Georgia continues to cooperate with higher education institutions. The Ministry of Justice has signed a document of cooperation with the Georgian National University.

Under the memorandum, students will be able to reinforce the theoretical knowledge gained in the learning process with practical activities and spend one working day a week in the sub-departments of the Ministry of Justice. Graduates will be hosted by penitentiary institutions, LEPL National Agency for Crime Prevention, Execution of Non-custodial Sentences and Probation, LEPL Vocational Training Center for Convicts and LEPL Georgian Training Center of Justice.

The Ministry of Justice will plan and coordinate student visits to the Ministry system and will be involved in the educational process in this way, which will contribute to the professional training of university students, the strengthening of theoretical knowledge gained in the educational process through practical activities, the development of practical skills and the training of qualified staff.

The document was signed by Minister of Justice, Rati Bregadze and Rector of the Georgian National University, Gia Kavtelishvili.

The purpose of the memorandum is to develop science-based approaches and to promote the attraction of scientific potential in the legislative process, which is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry has already signed a similar memorandum with Caucasus International University.

Thursday, 16 June, 2022

According to the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, No Cases of Ill-treatment in Georgian Prisons Have Been Reported

On 16 June 2022, following the visit to Georgia, the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) published a report with additional comments from the Ministry of Justice of Georgia.

The CPT welcomes the fact that the delegation had excellent cooperation and full support during the visit, both from the Ministry of Justice and the leadership of the Penitentiary Service, as well as from the staff of the penitentiary institutions. This once again confirms the transparency of Georgia's penitentiary system.

According to the report, the delegation did not receive any information about any ill-treatment of prisoners by prison staff. On the contrary, the CPT estimates that there is a positive and peaceful relationship between staff and inmates.

The health care system of the penitentiary service also received a positive assessment from the European Committee; In particular, according to the CPT report, counseling and treatment of communicable diseases is quickly and easily accessible. Georgia's practice of managing COVID in the penitentiary system was highly praised by the Committee, as a result of which, despite the pandemic, it was possible to maintain prisoners' contact with the outside world.

As for the recommendations in the report, some of them have already been taken into account or reflected in the 10-year strategy developed by the Ministry of Justice; In particular, the CPT focused on the need to increase the number of outdoor cell activities, employment, education and sports programs. The European Committee has already been informed that during 2021 a number of educational, cultural and sporting events were held in penitentiary institutions with the participation of 2151 prisoners. Of particular note is the victory of female prisoners at the World Chess Championship. Also, after the CPT's visit, a new sports management system was approved in the penitentiary system, under which prisoners will be trained by professional instructors. Sports fields were renovated in №5, №14, №15, №16 and №17 penitentiaries; A digital university program has been launched, under which convicts and defendants will have the opportunity to study remotely at authorized universities in Georgia; More than 1000 prisoners are currently employed and this number will gradually increase.

Another recommendation of the European Committee is to reduce / prevent violence among prisoners and increase the number of staff in penitentiaries. The CPT was informed that the Special Penitentiary Service would respond promptly to any attempt at violence or intimidation between prisoners. Risks and needs are assessed on an ongoing basis, resulting in the transfer of individual prisoners to high-risk facilities. If the relevant preconditions exist, an investigation is launched and the perpetrators are brought to justice. Cases of violence among prisoners will be further reduced after the opening of new penitentiaries; In particular, a penitentiary will be opened in Laituri by the end of the year, which will be designed for up to 700 prisoners. As for increasing the number of employees, this process has begun. At the same time, the conditions of the employees are gradually improving.

The CPT also requested information on individual incidents in penitentiary institutions, which was provided by the Ministry of Justice within the set timeframe.

The European Committee particularly appreciates the readiness of the Minister of Justice to co-operate actively with both the CPT and the Public Defender. The openness of the Georgian penitentiary system is further confirmed by the publication of the CPT's report, which was carried out with the consent of the Ministry of Justice.

The reform of the penitentiary system will be actively pursued in accordance with the 10-year strategy of the Ministry of Justice, which will take into account the recommendations of the CPT. The clearest indicator of the effectiveness of the reforms already implemented is the statistics of the European Court of Human Rights, according to which the European Court of Human Rights has not received any cases sent from the Georgian penitentiary system since 2012, which confirms the high standard of protection of prisoners' rights within the country.

The CPT delegation was hosted by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia and the Special Penitentiary Service on May 17-24, 2021. During the visit, the delegation visited 4 penitentiary institutions (№2, №14, №15 and № 17).

After Tbilisi and Kutaisi, Minister of Justice Presents Annual Report in Borjomi

Rati Bregadze spoke about the reforms that have been carried out to strengthen the priority areas of the Ministry.

One year after the presentation of the Development Strategy of the Ministry of Justice, a number of promises have been fulfilled:

Innovative project - the Mobile Public Service Hall has been introduced and is successfully operating in 7 regions; Electronic probation service system - PROBBOX was installed in 6 big cities of Georgia; Systemic land registration reform has been launched in 59 municipalities of Georgia, land is being measured and registered according to the time plan.

Infrastructural works continue - 5 new public service halls and community centers were opened; Construction is underway in 6 more municipalities; An additional public service hall will be opened in Hualing, Tbilisi; Samtskhe-Javakheti Regional Archive building was opened in Akhaltsikhe.

The bilingual magazine Justitia was founded and published; The largest electronic legal framework HeinOnline became available to the Ministry of Justice; Memoranda of Understanding have been signed with the Ministries of Justice of Turkey, Israel, Hungary, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Switzerland.

Notary services became available in administrative units - Saguramo, Gamarjveba, Martkopi, Shuakhevi, Adigeni, Aspindza, Kachreti, Keda, Khobi, Zestaponi, Sighnaghi and Ambrolauri; Soon, citizens will be able to receive online notary services through a mobile application.

Significant reforms in the penitentiary and probation systems - employment programs for prisoners have been accelerated; Encouragement of sports activities in penitentiary institutions continue; sports squares have been repaired; Regular exercises are being held, probation bureaus are being opened in Sighnaghi, Terjola, Kutaisi and Zestaponi; the referral center opened in Kutaisi; Memoranda of Understanding have been signed with the municipalities for the employment of convicts.

The presentation of the report was attended by the Deputy Ministers, the State Representative in the Imereti Region, representatives of the local authorities, employees of the LEPLs under the Ministry of Justice and invited guests.

thuesday, 14 June, 2022

Ministry of Justice and Caucasus International University Conclude Memorandum of Cooperation

The Ministry of Justice offers the students of the master's program of Caucasus International University the opportunity to deepen the theoretical knowledge gained in the educational process through practical activities. The document of cooperation was signed today by Minister of Justice, Rati Bregadze and Rector of Caucasus International University, Kakhaber Kordzaia.

Developing science-based approaches and promoting the attraction of scientific potential in the legislative process is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Justice. For this purpose, memoranda of cooperation will be signed with various higher education institutions authorized in Georgia.

In order to facilitate the development of practical skills and training of qualified staff within the training course of the Caucasus International University - "Legal Clinic in Penitentiary Law" - students will be able to spend 1 working day a week in the structural units and penitentiary institutions of the Ministry of Justice: LEPL Crime Prevention Agency, LEPL Vocational Training and Retraining Center for Convicts and LEPL Georgian Training Center of Justice.

The involvement of the Ministry's representatives in the educational and scientific processes of the University will enable postgraduate students to deepen their theoretical knowledge in the agencies of the justice system where they can have direct contact with their future professional activities.

In addition, the Ministry of Justice will provide successful graduates with employment opportunities in the system of the Ministry of Justice.

Monday, 13 June, 2022

Electronic Portal for Scheduling Lawyer

Lawyers who are aware of the need to visit their client will be able to schedule an appointment in advance via electronic portal, ensuring that the meeting between the lawyer and his client is organized and timely.

Lawyers who need to meet with a client unexpectedly and / or for any other reason can not schedule a visit will be able to meet with the defendant / convict through the standard procedure already in place.

Today, Minister of Justice Rati Bregadze got acquainted with the operation of the electronic booking system in the №8 penitentiary institution together with Chairperson of the Bar Association, Davit Asatiani.

The online booking portal will provide lawyers with more comfort and opportunity to schedule their meeting calendar. Effective use of the portal unloads the so-called “live queue” as well.

The pre-booking electronic portal was implemented by the Bar Association in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of Georgia and the Special Penitentiary Service with the financial support of the United States Embassy. At this stage, the portal operates in #8 penitentiary institution in pilot mode.

The address of the pre-booking electronic portal is: ; In addition, the hotline can be reached at: 511 10 30 97.

Friday, 10 June, 2022

Justice Minister awards Successful Professionals on Bailiffs and Enforcement Officers Day

Minister of Justice, Rati Bregadze underlined the achievements of the National Bureau of Enforcement over the past year and thanked the staff for their work.

Over the past year, enforcement services have become more readily available to citizens; A digital archive was introduced, which up to 350,000 cases were digitized for; A simplified case management platform has been created, where citizens can register a request / application for a service without leaving home, and follow the case electronically; Electronic communication system has been introduced with all commercial banks. Electronic document management systems are being introduced with municipal bodies; An "electronic assistant" program is being developed, which allows a number of enforcement actions to be carried out without the physical intervention of the executor; In September of this year, at the initiative of the International Union of Executives, Georgia will host an international conference of executives.

Minister of Justice Rati Bregadze, Deputy Minister, Erekle Gvinianidze and Chairperson of the National Bureau of Enforcement, Mirian Kharabadze awarded certificates of appreciation to the police officers and bailiffs for outstanding professionalism and conscientious performance in their professional activities.

Wednesday, 08 June, 2022

Veteran Status Awarded to Special Forces of the Penitentiary Department of the Ministry of Justice

Members of the Special Task Force of the Penitentiary Department of the Ministry of Justice who served in the 2008 war have been awarded with veteran status. The certificates were handed over to the veterans by Deputy Minister of Justice, Tornike Cheishvili and Director of the State Service for Veterans Affairs, Koba Kobaladze.

"A very important process has ended. Participants in the 2008 war, who were employees of the Penitentiary Department of the Ministry of Justice, did not enjoy the status of a veteran because it had no relevant legal basis. The relevant grounds emerged at the end of last year and today these people have already been awarded a document certifying the status of a veteran,” - said the Deputy Minister of Justice and thanked all veterans for their service to Georgia.

Although members of the Ministry of Justice's special task force were active in the 2008 war, they did not have the status of war veterans because there was no relevant legal provision in the Law on Veterans of War and Military Forces. At the initiative of Minister of Justice, Rati Bregadze, amendments to the law were prepared in the Ministry of Justice and submitted to the Parliament. The bill was approved by the legislature at the end of last year.

thuesday, 07 June, 2022

Ministry of Justice of Georgia and the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform of Indonesia Conclude Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed today by Minister of Justice of Georgia, Rati Bregadze and Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform of Indonesia, Tjahjo Kumolo.

The document envisages deepening of cooperation in the areas of access to public services and e-government. A bilateral meeting was held between the ministers of the two countries before the signing of the memorandum.

Rati Bregadze and Tjahjo Kumolo discussed current projects and initiatives in Georgia in terms of efficient delivery of public services. The Georgian side introduced innovative projects to its colleagues: Mobile Public Service Hall; PROBBOX; Digital University and others.

Within the framework of the visit, the Indonesian delegation will visit the public service halls and community centers and will get acquainted with the successful experience of Georgia in the field of service delivery.

Saturday, 04 June, 2022

Minister of Justice Presents Annual Report in Kutaisi after Tbilisi

Rati Bregadze spoke about the reforms that have been carried out to strengthen the priority areas of the Ministry.

One year after the presentation of the Development Strategy of the Ministry of Justice, a number of promises have been fulfilled:

Innovative project - the Mobile Public Service Hall has been introduced and is successfully operating in 7 regions; Electronic probation service system - PROBBOX was installed in 6 big cities of Georgia; Systemic land registration reform has been launched in 59 municipalities of Georgia, land is being measured and registered according to the time plan.

Infrastructural works continue - 5 new public service halls and community centers were opened; Construction is underway in 6 more municipalities; An additional public service hall will be opened in Hualing, Tbilisi; Samtskhe-Javakheti Regional Archive building was opened in Akhaltsikhe.

The bilingual magazine Justitia was founded and published; The largest electronic legal framework HeinOnline became available to the Ministry of Justice; Memorandums of Understanding have been signed with the Ministries of Justice of Turkey, Israel, Hungary, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Switzerland.

Notary services became available in administrative units - Saguramo, Gamarjveba, Martkopi, Shuakhevi, Adigeni, Aspindza, Kachreti, Keda, Khobi, Zestaponi, Sighnaghi and Ambrolauri; Soon, citizens will be able to receive online notary services through a mobile application.

Significant reforms in the penitentiary and probation systems - employment programs for prisoners have been accelerated; Encouragement of sports activities in penitentiary institutions continue; sports squares have been repaired; Regular exercises are being held, probation bureaus are being opened in Sighnaghi, Terjola, Kutaisi and Zestaponi; the referral center opened in Kutaisi; Memoranda of Understanding have been signed with the municipalities for the employment of convicts.

The presentation of the report was attended by the Deputy Ministers, the State Representative in the Imereti Region, representatives of the local authorities, employees of the LEPLs under the Ministry of Justice and invited guests.

Friday, 03 June, 2022

The Ministry of Justice of Georgia Approves 2022 Action Plan for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The document consists of 4 goals, 7 objectives and 22 activities. It is an action plan for the implementation of the obligations under the Law of Georgia on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and is based on the principles and standards recognized by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The main priorities of the plan are: further approximation of Georgian legislation with the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; More accessible environment for people with disabilities in the agencies of the Ministry of Justice; Further adaptation of services; Protecting the rights of defendants / convicts with disabilities in penitentiary institutions according to their needs.

The Analytical Department of the Ministry of Justice has developed the document with the active involvement of the system services of the Ministry. Representatives of persons with disabilities, as well as non-governmental organizations interested in the protection of their rights participated in the discussion of the working version.

The 2022 Action Plan for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was approved by Order № 223 of the Minister of Justice of June 1, 2022.


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