
thuesday, 09 April, 2024

Georgia Secures Landmark Victory against Russia in Strasbourg Court on "Continuous Occupation Case"

In a significant ruling, the Strasbourg Court has delivered a decisive verdict in the interstate dispute titled "Georgia v. Russia (IV)" – commonly known as the "continuous occupation case". The court has held Russia fully accountable for egregious human rights violations, including harassment, detention, assaults, and killings of the Georgian populace in the occupied territories and along the occupation line and official tolerance of indicated crimes. These atrocities unfold against the backdrop of the ongoing territorial occupation of Georgia and the practice of "borderization".

Today's judgment by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) underscores Georgia's territorial integrity and bolsters its sovereignty. According to the Strasbourg Court, Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region are universally recognized as integral parts of Georgia by the international community, rendering the process of "borderization" illegal. Consequently, any restrictions imposed by the de facto authorities under Russian occupation are deemed unlawful and incompatible with the European Convention. Furthermore, the European Court has found that the conditions of "borderization" systematically violate a range of fundamental rights, including the right to life, prohibition of torture and inhumane treatment, right to liberty and security, right to privacy and family life, property rights, educational rights, and freedom of movement.

Specifically, the Strasbourg Court's assessment highlights:

- Russia’s violation of the right to life (Article 2 of the European Convention) through the killing of ethnic Georgians along the occupation line, as well as their deaths while attempting to traverse the occupied territory for essential services like pensions or medical care;

- Inhumane treatment and detention conditions of ethnic Georgians detained along the occupation line as a breach of the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment (Article 3 of the European Convention);

- Any arrest or imprisonment of ethnic Georgians for crossing the occupation line constitutes a violation of the right to freedom and security (Article 5 of the European Convention);

- The restrictions imposed by installation of barbed wire and the process of "borderization", including limitations on movement, access to homes, property, and graves, continuously violate the rights to security of personal and family life (Article 8 of the European Convention), property rights (Article 1 of the European Convention and Article 1 of the Additional Protocol), and freedom of movement (Article 2 of the 4th Additional Protocol of the European Convention);

- The prohibition of education in the Georgian language in occupied Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region infringes upon the right to education in one's native language (Article 2 of the First Additional Protocol of the European Convention).

The European Court's decision unequivocally affirms that the Georgian language is the native language in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region.

The Ministry of Justice of Georgia extends heartfelt congratulations to the entire nation on this historic victory and expresses gratitude to the state agencies, particularly the State Security Service, the General Prosecutor's Office, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for their diligent efforts during the evidence collection phase.

Wednesday, 03 April, 2024

Justice Auditorium Welcomes Head of the Special Penitentiary Service, Nika Tshvarashvili

In a public lecture held at the International University of the Caucasus, students delved into the ongoing reforms within the penitentiary system and the evolution of resocialization and rehabilitation programs. Nika Tshvarashvili illuminated the audience with insights into the innovative strides facilitated by the new Penal Code, significantly enhancing the rights and working conditions for both inmates and staff within the penitentiary framework.

Central to the discourse was the comprehensive access convicts now have to resocialization and rehabilitation programs throughout their sentences. This encompassed active participation in sports initiatives and educational opportunities provided by the Digital University, alongside employment programs aimed at fostering additional income streams.

Furthermore, the Special Penitentiary Service showcased its commitment with a repertoire of 12 specialized programs tailored for the resocialization and rehabilitation of minors. Emphasizing healthcare, the introduction of an online clinic ensures that any incarcerated individual can access medical services provided by civilian clinic professionals.

The event was also attended by Dean of the Law Faculty of Caucasus International University, Giorgi Khatidze.

The project was launched at Caucasus International University on March 14 of this year.

The Justice Auditorium serves as a vital platform, fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange among students and professionals keen on understanding the Ministry's mission and achievements. Through this initiative, the project aims to elevate awareness, inspire student initiatives, and cultivate interest in public service, including opportunities for recruitment within the Ministry of Justice.

The collaboration with civil society, academia, and aspiring legal professionals aligns seamlessly with the Ministry's goal of fostering broader community engagement and involvement in its endeavors.

Monday, 01 April, 2024

Introducing YOUTHTITIA Club: An Innovative Platform for Youth, Founded in the Ministry of Justice

YOUTHTITIA, a groundbreaking initiative founded within the Ministry of Justice, aims to empower students of law faculties by providing them with a unique opportunity to cultivate professional skills, deepen their knowledge in the field, engage in public administration processes, and contribute to the planning and execution of reforms within the Ministry.

In its inaugural phase, YOUTHTITIA will select 30 undergraduate and master's students from accredited universities based on specific criteria. These selected students will actively participate in Ministry of Justice activities, gaining hands-on experience in their field.

Today, Minister of Justice Rati Bregadze unveiled the club - YOUTHTITIA, underscoring its significance in fostering legal awareness and facilitating direct engagement with the legal profession for aspiring lawyers. Bregadze extended his best wishes to the future participants, expressing confidence that this platform will serve as a springboard for their professional journey.

The Minister of Education, Science, and Youth, Giorgi Amilakhvari, echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the platform's role in nurturing the professional development of young individuals. He extended his encouragement to both future Ministry members and club participants.

The event was also attended by Deputy Ministers of Justice, members of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Ministry of Justice, rectors of authorized universities of Tbilisi and regions, deans of the Faculty of Law and students.

Symbolizing their commitment, they ceremonially pledged their support to YOUTHTITIA by signing their names.

For detailed information regarding student selection and updates about the club, visit YOUTHTITIA's official Facebook page.

Thursday, 28 March, 2024

Ministry of Justice Launches Innovative Probationer Orientation Program

The Probationer Orientation Course, a ground-breaking initiative by the National Agency for Crime Prevention, Enforcement, and Probation, aims to curb recidivism among low-risk probationers while empowering probation officers in this vital process.

This program marks a pivotal shift by amplifying the role of probation officers in crime prevention efforts. It offers low-risk probationers the opportunity to undertake an orientation course. Upon completion, they can lead similar courses alongside probation officers, ensuring a continuous cycle of learning and mentorship. Furthermore, successful completion of the program will be a positive factor considered in decisions regarding the cancellation of conditional sentences and regime easing.

The curriculum encompasses various thematic areas, including psychosocial skills development, literacy and employment promotion, legal education, and the unique challenges faced by women within the justice system.

Participants will gain invaluable insights into:

  • Employment rights and social support systems;
  • Emotional regulation techniques;
  • Effective communication and conflict resolution strategies;
  • Combatting prejudice and stigma;
  • Promoting physical and mental well-being and recognizing unhealthy behaviors;

Additionally, the program exposes participants to diverse career pathways.

Probation officers nationwide have been carefully chosen to pilot this course.

The launch of the probationer orientation course was officiated by Minister of Justice, Rati Bregadze, with remarks from Lado Kheladze, Head of the National Agency for Crime Prevention, Enforcement of Non-custodial Sentences, and Probation.

Deputy Minister of Justice, Buba Lomuashvili, commended the probation officers who completed the training, wishing them success in their future endeavors. These officers will be at the forefront in piloting the course in Georgia and facilitating its expansion.

The orientation program for probationers is conducted by agency specialists, with expert input and support from the US Bureau of International Anti-Narcotics and Law Enforcement Cooperation (INL), in collaboration with the Training Center of Justice.

The event saw the participation of Deputy Ministers of Justice, representatives from NGOs, Prime Minister's Advisor on Human Rights Protection, Niko Tatulashvili, Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Natia Merebashvili, and Deputy Minister of Education, Science, and Youth of Georgia, Tamar Makharashvili.

Wednesday, 27 March, 2024

Showcasing the Winning Project: Digital Academy of Law Technologies from the Ministry of Justice Grant Competition

The Digital Academy of Law Technologies project stands as a beacon of innovation in the legal landscape of Georgia, aiming to equip legal professionals with the essential skills in legal technology. By empowering lawyers with technical prowess, the project endeavors to integrate modern innovative tools into their daily practices, thereby elevating the standards of legal service delivery.

Throughout the theoretical segment of the program, participants will delve into the realm of legal service provision via algorithm-based computer systems, unraveling the intricacies and potentials of this evolving field. Practical workshops will equip attendees with the ability to craft digital solutions, including automated legal consultation bots, contract and lawsuit generation systems, leveraging the Legaltech program Logos and the rulemapping methodology.

Addressing the project's significance, Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia, Tornike Cheishvili, emphasized its timely relevance, highlighting the transformative impact it promises for the legal profession. The event participants, including Professor Giorgi Khubua from Tbilisi State University, Professor Zviad Gabisonia from the University of Business and Technology, and Project Manager, Natia Sirdadze, provided comprehensive insights into the curriculum and training methodologies.

Associate Professor Lado Sirdadze, representing the University of Business and Technology, offered a detailed overview of the practical modules slated for implementation within the project, emphasizing hands-on learning experiences.

In a testament to international collaboration, the project enjoys partnerships with institutions such as the Oxford University Fintech and LegalTech Society and the German LegalTech company, KnowledgeTools International. Distinguished experts including Professor Stephan Breidenbach, Dr. Tilo Wend, Hatim Hussain, and Daniel Foa will lead lectures alongside Georgian counterparts.

The Ministry of Justice's annual grant competition serves as a catalyst for innovation, aiming to foster the adoption of pioneering services, fortify human rights protection, and enhance legal security. This year, the Ministry awarded funding to 17 deserving projects.

Friday, 22 March, 2024


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