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Rati Bregadze: "We are not afraid of anyone and we strongly warn that they will be held accountable before the law"

The Minister of Justice Rati Bregadze strongly warns all those who plan to prevent the transfer of prisoner Saakashvili from prison to the hospital that they will be held accountable before the law.

"Yesterday we all saw the records released by the State Security Service, which speak of the fact that there are certain forces that want to prevent us from transferring a prisoner to hospital. I said to them and I repeat it very emphatically and clearly - if anyone tries to do that, naturally they will be held accountable before the law, but we are ready for any scenario."

According to the Minister, all means will be used to ensure the safety of the prisoner, including, if necessary, a helicopter:

"Absolutely no one is afraid. We say that if necessary, for the safety of the prisoner, we will definitely use all means to protect the prisoner personally and his safety, including by helicopter. We are afraid of absolutely no one. We are ready for any scenario. Do not bother yourself in vain, because only they will be held accountable before the law, and I strongly warn them."

He also spoke about the ministry's response if Saakashvili refuses to be taken to hospital.

"There are established rules and we will act in accordance with all established rules. We do not break the law, we protect and serve only the administration of justice in this country," - said Minister of Justice, Rati Bregadze.


Justice Minister: "Saakashvili has never refused medical intervention, this is a very futile attempt to deceive the public"

The Minister of Justice states that Mikheil Saakashvili has never refused a medical treatment during his entire detention and the information that he refuses to follow the recommendations of doctors is an example of manipulation of the voters.

"As for the statement that Mikheil Saakashvili stopped and refused to continue medical treatment, it is a complete lie and it is very unfortunate when he misleads the public and deceives his own voters, first of all, and then the rest of the society," Rati Bregadze told Rustavi 2.

The Minister of Justice noted that convicted Saakashvili follows all the recommendations of the doctors in order to maintain health and energy; The various statements that are made are aimed at manipulating the will of the voters. "This is another very big lie to deceive their own voters, to manipulate their electoral will ... We saw today the statement of various politicians who told voters that whoever votes for another force, he will sign Saakashvili's assassination. This is a total violence against the public," said Rati Bregadze.

The Minister of Justice stressed that the spread of such false information is aimed at misleading the public before the second round of elections. "However, on the eve of the election, the prisoner allegedly refused treatment - half an hour after the announcement, he received medical treatment and received absolutely all the fluids, drugs and pills he had been taking in the previous days," said the Minister, adding that Saakashvili has never refused to undergo medical intervention.


EU-Georgia Association Subcommittee Discusses Georgia's Reforms Aimed at Strengthening Rule of Law, Justice and Security

On October 15, 2021, the EU-Georgia Association Subcommittee on Justice, Freedom and Security held its the seventh meeting. The Subcommittee meetings are usually held annually, alternately in Tbilisi and Brussels. This year the subcommittee meeting was held online.

The meeting of the Subcommittee on Freedom, Security and Justice within the framework of the EU-Georgia Association Cooperation is an important part of the institutional cooperation between Georgia and the EU, which discusses issues such as: reforms of the rule of law, judiciary and law enforcement agencies; Issues of organized crime and other illegal activities (including money laundering and the fight against terrorism); Legal cooperation in civil and criminal cases; Migration, asylum and border management issues, etc. The successful activities of Georgia in the fight against corruption, trafficking, drugs, as well as the ongoing reforms in the penitentiary system were highlighted at the meeting.

The purpose of the meeting is to provide the EU with information on the reforms and achievements aimed at strengthening the rule of law, justice and security.

The meeting of the Subcommittee is coordinated by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia from the Georgian side with the involvement of the Parliament of Georgia; the Government Administration; the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia; the Georgian State Security Service; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia; the Chief Prosecutor's Office; the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs; the Financial Monitoring Service; the Public Services Development Agency; the High Council of Justice; representatives of the Office of the State Inspector.

Representatives of the European Commission, the European External Action Service and the EU Delegation to Georgia took part in the meeting of the EU Subcommittee.


„კანონის უზენაესობის ინდექსით” საქართველო აღმოსავლეთ ევროპასა და ცენტრალურ აზიაში ლიდერობს

ანონის უზენაესობის 2021 წლის ინდექსში საქართველო აღმოსავლეთ ევროპისა და ცენტრალური აზიის რეგიონში I ადგილზე, საშუალოშემოსავლიანი კატეგორიის ქვეყნების ხუთეულში, ხოლო მსოფლიოს მასშტაბით საუკეთესო 50 ქვეყანას შორისაა.

„მსოფლიოს მართლმსაჯულების პროექტის“ მიერ წარმოებული კანონის უზენაესობის ინდექსი კანონის უზენაესობის მხრივ ვითარებას 44 ინდიკატორის მიხედვით მსოფლიოს 139 ქვეყანაში აფასებს.

კორუფციის არარსებობა, ღია მმართველობა, მმართველობის ზომიერება, ფუნდამენტური უფლებები, ნორმატიული უზრუნველყოფა და სისხლისსამართლებრივი მართლმსაჯულება - ჩამოთვლილ კატეგორიებში საქართველო აღმოსავლეთ ევროპასა და ცენტრალურ აზიაში პირველ ადგილზე გავიდა.

44 ინდიკატორიდან განსაკუთრებით გამოსარჩევია კრიმინალისგან თავისუფლების/დანაშაულის კონტროლის ეფექტიანობის ინდექსი. აქაც საქართველო აღმოსავლეთ ევროპასა და ცენტრალურ აზიაში პირველი, ევროპის საუკეთესო ათეულში მე-9, მსოფლიოში კი მე-14 პოზიციაზეა.

რაც შეეხება კიდევ ერთ კატეგორიას: „კორუფციისგან თავისუფლების ინდექსი“ - საქართველო მსოფლიოში 31-ე, ხოლო ევროპის საუკეთესო ოცეულში მე-19 პოზიციას იკავებს.

„მსოფლიოს მართლმსაჯულების პროექტის“ ინდექსის კვლევის მეთოდოლოგია კვალიფიციურ რესპონდენტთა (ექსპერტთა) და მოსახლეობის გამოკითხვას ეფუძნება. ინდექსის კვლევისთვის მსოფლიოში ასეულობით ათასი რესპონდენტი და ექსპერტი გამოიკითხა.