
Monday, 18 December, 2023

The Parliament Adopts the Penitentiary Code Developed by the Ministry of Justice

The new Penitentiary Code improves the working conditions of the employees of the special penitentiary service and the legal status of persons in penitentiary institutions - it sets even higher standards for the protection of the rights of convicts and accused persons. In particular:

The accused person is granted the right to a long appointment; He will also have the opportunity to participate in various support programs;

The convict placed in a prison of special risk is granted the right of video dating;

The convict is given the opportunity to replace the date with another form of communication with the outside world (short date - video date, long date - short date, video date or phone conversation, family date - short date, video date or phone conversation);

All types of dating are completely free;

The currently set maximum number and duration of phone calls will be converted to a minimum number/duration. The Minister will be authorized to increase the number and duration of telephone conversations;

In the presence of special circumstances (birthday of a family member, birth of a child, etc.), the accused and convicted person may be granted the right to additional telephone conversation;

Accused and convicted family members placed in a penitentiary institution are granted the right to talk to each other by telephone. Correspondence between them will also be allowed;

All convicts are given the right to receive higher education;

The living conditions of accused and convicted persons are equalized;

It will also be possible to place a female convict in the prison for preparation for release. In this way, the rights of the convicted person placed in this institution will be extended to them;

All units of the penitentiary service are given a special status, which equalizes and improves the conditions of employees;

In addition to the official and rank salary, the employees will receive a supplement for years of service, and in the presence of the prerequisites - also state compensation.

The new Penitentiary Code takes into account the recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT), as well as the Public Defender of Georgia.

Deputy Minister of Justice, Tornike Cheishvili presented the amendments to the Parliament and the legislative body adopted them with 82 votes.

Along with the Tornike Cheishvili, Code, the Parliament of Georgia adopted a legislative package consisting of 21 draft laws.


December , 2023
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