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Monday, 24 June , 2024

Georgia Receives Highest Rating in Fight Against Human Trafficking

Today, the US State Department published its annual report on human trafficking, recognizing Georgia as a top performer in anti-trafficking measures among 186 countries for the ninth consecutive year. Georgia is once again included in the "Tier 1" category, a distinction held by only 33 countries this year.

Georgia stands out as the only country in its region and among EU membership candidates to achieve this highest rating from the US State Department. Notably, 12 EU member states did not make it to Tier 1.

Georgia’s robust efforts in combating human trafficking play a crucial role in its European Union integration process, fostering a safe and reliable environment for fighting transnational organized crime.

The US State Department’s report highlights Georgia's comprehensive adherence to anti-trafficking standards. The country maintains strong, sustainable, consistent, and coordinated measures, which have earned it the top rating.

The report commends the Georgian government’s intensified efforts across all aspects of combating human trafficking, including crime prevention, criminal detection, prosecution, and victim protection. Key positive assessments include:

- A working group led by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, focusing on an annual large-scale information campaign about the risks of human trafficking and protective measures.

  • Proactive measures to detect crimes and increase criminal prosecutions.
  • Expansion of available shelters for trafficking victims.
  • Enhancement of labor migration legislation to prevent human trafficking crimes.

Georgia's leading position and progress in the US State Department's report reflect the effective efforts of the Interagency Coordination Council, which implements anti-trafficking measures.

The council is headed by the Minister of Justice of Georgia and includes representatives from all relevant state agencies, the Office of the Public Defender, and various non-governmental and international organizations.

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