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Wednesday, 19 June , 2024

Presentation of Mindia Ugrekhelidze's Book Held at the National Archives

With the support of the Ministry of Justice and Caucasus International University, the presentation of the first volume of Mindia Ugrekhelidze's "Selected Writings" took place at the National Archives' exhibition pavilion. Georgian jurist Mindia Ugrekhelidze is a pioneering figure in the Georgian Scientific School of Criminal Law. Throughout his career, he has served as the Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia, a judge of the European Court of Human Rights, and a member of the World Association of Lawyers and the International Association of Criminal Law. He is also the author of approximately 70 scholarly works.

A key priority of the Ministry of Justice is the development of approaches grounded in scientific research. The publication of the works by members of the Georgian Scientific School of Criminal Law aims to equip future generations of lawyers with essential professional literature.

Most of the writings included in Mindia Ugrekhelidze's book were originally published abroad and are considered bibliographic rarities in Georgia. The insights presented in "Selected Writings" extend beyond a purely legal analysis of criminal law issues. They encompass a wide array of disciplines including legal dogmatics, politics, philosophy, sociology, psychology, and ethics.

The book presentation was attended by the Minister of Justice, Rati Bregadze, along with deputies, members of the Cabinet of Ministers, and Parliament. Representatives from the cultural, scientific, and academic communities were also present.

The publication of the book was financially supported by Caucasus International University.