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thuesday, 25 October , 2022

Fourth Ministerial Meeting of the Prague Process Held in the Czech Republic

On October 24-25, 2022, a ministerial meeting of the countries participating in the Prague Process was held in the Czech Republic, within which the ministerial declaration and the action plan for its implementation for 2023-2027 were approved.

The Georgian delegation led by First Deputy Minister of Justice, Tamar Tkeshelashvili took part in the ministerial conference and spoke at the event about the reforms implemented by Georgia in the field of migration and the issues envisioned by the ministerial declaration. She also emphasized the importance of cooperation between countries in the area of migration management, which will be further strengthened after the adoption of the declaration.

The Georgian delegation also included Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Aleksandre Darakhvelidze and representatives of the Ministries of Justice and Internal Affairs of Georgia.

The declaration and the action plan were developed as a result of the joint work of the countries participating in the Prague Process (including Georgia) and the European Union.

The ministerial declaration and action plan cover such issues as: preventing and combating illegal migration; readmission, voluntary return and sustainable reintegration; legal migration, with special emphasis on labor migration; integration; mobility and development; international protection.

Within the framework of the ministerial, the declaration and the action plan were adopted by the European Union and the countries participating in the Process. By adopting the document, action priorities for the next five years in the region have been determined.

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"Comprehensive Approach for Crime Prevention" - Tbilisi Hosts an International Conference

An international conference on Crime Prevention, Non-custodial Sentences, and Probation was inaugurated in Tbilisi on July 25, coinciding with the Day of Crime Prevention. The conference aims to enhance inter-agency cooperation in crime prevention and probation, promote the professional development of specialists in the field, and facilitate the exchange of information about existing services and resources.

An international conference on Crime Prevention, Non-custodial Sentences, and Probation was inaugurated in Tbilisi on July 25, coinciding with the Day of Crime Prevention. The conference aims to enhance inter-agency cooperation in crime prevention and probation, promote the professional development of specialists in the field, and facilitate the exchange of information about existing services and resources.

Minister of Justice, Rati Bregadze, opened the conference, followed by a welcome speech from Lado Kheladze, Head of the Agency for Crime Prevention, Non-custodial Sentences Enforcement, and Probation. Other notable speakers included Deputy Ministers from various sectors, such as labor, health, social protection of IDPs from the occupied territories of Georgia, internal affairs, education, science, and youth. Additionally, the Advisor to the Prime Minister on Human Rights Protection and the Chairperson of the Human Rights Protection and Civil Integration Committee of the Parliament of Georgia addressed the attendees.

A representative from the European Confederation presented a research report on Georgia's probation system, highlighting that "the probation system and its activities in Georgia are strongly developed, with significant acceleration in recent years."

Over the two-day conference, professionals in the field will exchange experiences related to crime prevention. Discussions will cover topics such as the development of probation systems in European countries, the involvement of state institutions, society, NGOs, and the private sector in crime prevention, and the possibilities for rehabilitation and re-socialization.

Participants include heads of the Ministry of Justice and Probation Services from Romania, the Czech Republic, Croatia, the Netherlands, and Azerbaijan.

The conference will conclude with the adoption of the Tbilisi Declaration.